==================================================================== ---------------------- BEGIN TRANSMISSION -------------------------- ===== = ===== = = = = == == = = = ===== ===== == == = = ===== ===== ===== = == == = ===== == == ===== -------------------------------------------------------------------- Quake ][ Base Clan Skin 5/1/98 Files: sasbase.pcx Main skin file sasbase_i.pcx Info pic sasbase.txt This file Using: Place the two above files in the quake2/baseq2/players/male directory. In the player setup (in game) scroll thro the iD male skins and at the end select 'sasbase'. Alternatively, add this line to your .cfg if u use a custom .cfg file: set skin "male/sasbase" Author/Contribution: Joe "Pilsner" Cise - SAS-TA Leader Used base camoflage from SAS.pcx (Q1 skin) by [BK]DarkPheonix Thanks To: iD Software for the koolest games on earth =) SAS-Besty for lettin me in the clan The rest of SAS for skin testing etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- EMAIL ADDRESS : SAS@SHOOTNSURF.CO.UK HOMEPAGES : HTTP://WWW.SPIRITUALNET.COM/SAS/ UKCL / MCW : HTTP://WWW.SPIRITUALNET.COM IRC CHANNEL : #UKCLAN_SAS ON IRCNET --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- END OF TRANSMISSION -------------------------- =====================================================================